Excellent accuracy and a high degree of special surface materials. The weigher availability are two of the benefits of a is fitted with an enclosure to keep the 10-head multihead weigher from Ishida, pasta at a consistent low temperature for The Ishida multihead weigher easily
installed at Swiss fresh and frozen food hygienic reasons and to reduce product achieves its performance target of 60
product specialist Frostag Food-Centrum sticking during the weighing process. bags per minute while weighing accuracy
An elevator provides controlled product
The Ishida weigher is part of a brand transfer to the dispersion table of the
new line for handling fresh pasta such multihead weigher. Self-regulating,
as tortellini, tortelloni, spaetzle, and vibrating radial feeder troughs ensure an
“Schupfnudeln” (potato dumplings). The optimum product flow to the pool hoppers
weigher was specially adapted for use which supply a set of weigh hoppers
at Frostag to enable the pasta to be
processed quickly but gently. Its starch
directly underneath.
polybags with fill weights of 200g to 1kg.
is impressive. With the 200g bags,
for example, product giveaway due to
overfilling is just 1g.
High availability is equally important to
the company. “The multihead weigher
must work safely and have minimal
downtime,” explains Frostag’s managing
component can cause pasta to stick, which The weigher’s computer calculates the director Christoph Caprez. The company
makes it difficult for efficient weighing. To ideal combination for the desired target is operating the new line in 3-shift mode,
prevent residues from building up on the weight in a fraction of a second. The with the weigher in operation for 20 hours
weigher, contact parts are coated with precisely dosed portions are released into a day, five days a week.
40 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk