field wiring is arranged; the field device
is identified and the appropriate CHARM
card is set up and Electronically Marshalled
through a hidden digital bus to ANY
controller in the system. Fully redundant
power and communications connection is
included, and autosensing each I/O channel
means that identification, configuration,
diagnostics and design changes are easily
carried out by the DCS.
The technology provides many benefits,
from the first design stages, to
commissioning, and through the lifetime of
processing oriented manufacture. As digital
or analogue I/O of any type can be bound
to specific controllers at any stage in the
project without manual rewiring, hardware
and design costs can be more predictable
from the outset. Design changes – adding
new I/O or changing I/O types - can be
catered for without intensive labour
and disruptive re-wiring costs. Projects
become easier to scale, safety is assured.
Configuration and diagnostics are taken
care of by a single integrated software
platform – Emerson’s DeltaV Explorer.
Importantly the Total Cost of Ownership
580 CHARMs node directly links to the The elimination of a secondary network
DeltaV system via the CHARM baseplate allows substantial savings in components,
and natively combines autosensing and associated I/O, wiring, and commissioning
Electronic Marshalling through redundant time. The Emerson single network solution
power and communication connection, means single point responsibility for
harnessing the full native diagnostic products, documentation and support,
capabilities of the DeltaV. From the DCS, with savings for personnel, programming
each pilot valve is managed in exactly the resources and system training.
same way as the other system I/O. The DCS
can identify and marshal all the pneumatic
connections through a single redundant
connection with up to 48 valve solenoid
Reduced component count and direct
connection equals a reduced risk of system
failure. Design changes throughout project
outputs connected to each CHARM node. development and future troubleshooting
increased operational certainty, process The 580 CHARMs node interfaces with control with autosensing and plain
reliability and increased machine ASCO Numatics 500 Series valve islands. message workstation diagnostics.
availability. These high performance, “plug-in” Shutdown time is significantly reduced
directional control valves feature the thanks to integral diagnostics directly
highest flow capability for their product on the valve island or displayed on the
size, helping to keep machine footprints DeltaV systems workstation. Reliable
compact and lowering system costs, whilst redundant connection ensures safety and
a comprehensive range of accessories reduces maintenance down time. Further
and options makes for easy installation, compelling benefits include flexibility in
configuration and modification. process control thanks to every CHARM
is significantly reduced, measured by
Integrating pneumatic valve islands
into automation systems with CHARM
The 580 Series CHARMs allows control
engineers and project managers working
on continuous and batch-oriented
manufacturing projects a straightforward,
cost saving and fast-track approach to the
integration of pneumatic systems within
The cost and time benefits of simplified
machine architecture
the process control environment. The When compared to a manually, cross-
node facilitates single connection from the marshalled, process manufacturing
field to Emerson’s DeltaV™ DCS offering system for batch and continuous
Electronic Marshalling, native configuration production scenarios, the benefits of a
and diagnostics plus built-in redundancy - CHARMs technology based solution with
for a truly integrated system architecture. Electronic Marshalling are apparent and
With the introduction of ASCO Numatics’
580 CHARMs node, pneumatic systems’
integration with Electronic Marshalling
is made possible within a single network
platform – a one package and one
supplier solution - for the first time. The
compelling. When pneumatics require
integration, and the solution is compared
with the introduction of a fieldbus such
as PROFIBUS-DP®, the benefits are even
more convincing with the easy-to-use,
is made easier with embedded intelligent
I/O from voltage and current sensors to
alarmsand pilot valves sharing the same
DeltaV Explorer configuration, and being
available in the ‘cloud’ to any controller in
the network.
These factors combine for a tightly
integrated solution for I/O and pneumatic
valve islands that delivers more complete
project and operational certainty,
comprehensive control optimisation and
processing reliability. To find out more
about the ASCO Numatics 580 CHARMs
node please
task-based engineering environment that Download this whitepaper or visit www.
the DeltaV offers.
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