A Pot Of Quality
A bespoke multilayer pot from RPC Bebo The solution from RPC Bebo is
Bouxwiller is helping to deliver quality of a specially-designed 95mm pot
product and presentation for a new range manufactured using inline thermoforming
of sheep’s milk specialities from leading which efficiently transforms multiple
French dairy company Le Petit Basque. technical polymers into the finished pack
in a single production step. The pack has
For its Douceur de Brebis desserts, been designed to satisfy the customer’s
Le Petit Basque required a packaging exacting standards for hygiene and
solution that was aesthetically pleasing line efficiency throughout the filling
while also guaranteeing the taste, operation.
freshness and extended life of the
product. A key marketing requirement Equally important, a reduction in
was that the inside of the pot should material usage meets Le Petit Basque’s
be white to emphasise the quality and sustainability requirements while
purity of the dessert and the exterior sky still ensuring that the pot delivers
blue to match the company’s iconic and the necessary strength and reliability
instantly-recognisable branding. throughout the supply chain and in
consumers’ homes.
24 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
RPC Bebo France
Zone Industrielle
F-67330 Bouxwiller
Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 71 78 00
Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 71 31 60
[email protected]