sara LBS will communicate
and cooperate for smoothest
Building projects rarely run entirely to As loading bay specialists, sara LBS In an ideal world, we would like to arrive
plan, so contractors must be flexible installs and commissions scissor lifts, at newly built loading bays and have
and ready to adapt to changing dock levellers, roller shutter and curtain plenty of time and space to install and
circumstances. Guy Windle, Area Sales doors, and all the other dedicated test all the kit. In the real world, of course,
Manager for sara LBS (Loading Bay equipment needed to enable efficient things can be a bit different. It is a simple
Specialists) explains how his company’s loading and unloading of vehicles at truth that design changes, bad weather,
proactive approach to installations helps factories, warehouses, logistics centres, late deliveries, missed schedules and
main contractors maintain smooth and etc. other issues can all disrupt building
efficient progress.
One issue sara LBS plans for is
deliveries, ensuring there is clear
and convenient space for their
delivery of large bulky items.
10 FDPP -