Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 15 2017 | Page 29

Faster, cheaper, safer beverage and food production Replacing traditional biocides with a cheaper, safer, environmentally friendly alternative. UK firm Aquadron offer clients a cost-effective, non-hazardous biocide that replaces traditional expensive, hazardous, high-environmental im- pact chemicals. Aquadron are unique, in that they work with their clients to allow beverage and food producers to benefit from safer chemicals, lower chemical costs, accelerated CIP cycles and continuous operating disinfection on their process lines. neutral agent, it is not even aggressi- in cooling and heating circuits, inclu- ve to metal surfaces or sealants, even ding in storage tanks in process water MANY APPLICATIONS at higher concentrations. systems. In addition to this, low-po- The INNOWATECH Anolyte® that the Aquadron system produces is a wide-spectrum biocide, it is used for many different applications in the processing and handling of food and beverage products. It serves as a USE OF ANOLYTE FOR DRINKING WATER TREATMENT One of the main applications of Anolyte is for pathogen reduction in the drinking water supply of buildings. substitute for the disinfectants and It can be used in both the hot and cold disinfection processes commonly water systems. used and establishes a near germ free llution process water can be reclaimed, disinfected and reused. Jim Gott Director of Aquadron says “our experience shows us that CIP disinfec- tion costs can be reduced by 95% and that CIP cycle time can be reduced by 20-30%, this can have an enormous hygienic status without interrupting Feeding Anolyte into the building’s impact on production volumes and the production runs, a major advantage water supply downstream of the bottom line. In addition production line that cannot be achieved with traditio- water meter eliminates coliforms, hygiene will be improved and health and nal disinfection technologies. pseudomonas, legionella and other safety risks will be reduced – we are pathogens. Existing biofilms are quic- very excited about the benefits that our The well controlled and carefully kly decomposed and any new forma- tion is arrested. clients enjoy and the positive effect that targeted use of Anolyte makes it possible to optimise microbiological safety during the entire production The production technique is based cycle without the need of intermedia- on the principle of membrane cell te production stops for cleaning and electrolysis. The purity of Anolyte, disinfection. is in compliance with the BS EN 901 standard, meaning that it can be used With the help of Anolyte all unwel- directly in drinking water, and is certi- come contaminants such as yeasts, fied by an independent laboratory. mould, bacteria, fungi and their USE OF ANOLYTE FOR PROCESS WA- spores can be eliminated within short TER TREATMENT exposure times. Since Anolyte is a pH Anolyte can be used for disinfection it has on their businesses”. The Aquadron is a retro-fit disinfection system that is used on 50+ bottling and food production lines in the UK and Europe. A variant of the system is also used for Legionella control at hundreds of sites . FDPP - 29