DS Smith adopt CFQ
standard for fresh
produce trays
All packaging to meet new Common Footprint Quality standard
DS Smith has been working in close
collaboration with the Confedera-
tion of Paper Industries (CPI) on the
introduction of the new Common
Footprint Quality (CFQ) standard in
the UK.
CFQ accredited trays take into consi-
deration both the type of fresh pro-
duce being packed and the distance it
must travel. The Common Footprint
(CF) stands for the stackability, and
the Quality (Q) confirms the quali-
ty and strength of the corrugated
cardboard. If trays bear the mark,
growers, packers and retailers can
be confident that the packaging is if they have come from different Division said: “We are proud to be a
able to cushion, carry and protect suppliers. This greater ease and sim- lead player in the integration of this
fruit and vegetables throughout their plicity will also improve cross-border new quality standard to the UK. Co-
journey. compatibility across Europe. rrugated packaging is ideally suited
to the fresh produce industry as it
As well as protection, CFQ trays are To earn the accreditation, packaging can offer the cushioning, ventilation,
designed for displaying goods, and will be validated both internally and strength, moisture resistance and
with the right print and structu- independently to confirm the quali- protection that growers, packers and
ral design, the packaging can help ty criteria is met. The strength and retailers are looking for. Our cus-
increase sales in store; create visual durability of trays carrying the CFQ tomers can have the utmost confi-
disruption, support promotions and stamp will be rigorously tested to dence that their products will arrive
shopper navigation. ensure they are fit for purpose and safely at their destination and the
In addition, the new European-wide in optimal condition for handling and standardisation of products will bring
CFQ stamp will improve the efficien- transportation when they leave the benefits and efficiencies to the entire
cy of the fresh produce supply chain corrugated manufacturer. supply chain.”
as it will lead to the standardisation
of produce trays, making them easier Mick Thornton, Sales and Marketing
to stack safely and quickly, even Director of DS Smith’s UK Packaging
50 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk