Fresh Vegetable
Peeling, Hungary
Fevita Hungary is one of the its products meet strict food safety that we efficiently process the fresh
country’s largest frozen food and quality standards. produce arriving onto our production
producers and a global exporter, with
200 employees processing more
Fevita prides itself on high-
line, such as sweetcorn, peas, beans,
carrots, parsnips and potatoes.
than 32,000tn of vegetables every quality and locally sourced year. produce, continuously improving from analysing and removing defects
its processing and dedication to to peeling, cleaning and dicing.
Established in 1967, the company
has a 22% market share domestically
customer satisfaction.
Processing could mean anything
“Our ambition is to become a global
and has built a network of customers PEELING SOLUTION AT FULL exporter to hundreds of markets and
across 20 markets including CAPACITY to do that we knew we needed to
Germany, Israel, and Japan.
Project engineer at Fevita Hungary
Fevita’s high-profile customers Peter Hegyi says: “We have been
include international supermarket processing high-quality vegetables
chains Lidl, Aldi, and Tesco, as well and fruits for 50 years and have
as Hungarian retailers Spar, Co-op,
and CBA. The company is expanding
into more markets every year, so it is
becoming increasingly important that
20 FDPP -
firmly established ourselves as a
increase our capacity. The processing
line was running smoothly but had
reached its full capacity just as we
saw rising demand for carrots and
many of our other products.
leading brand. “To achieve our objectives, we
“It’s very important for our business with a partner organization that
looked for a long-term investment