Rapid ribbon mixing in
Helical Blade
plant at their Congleton factory. As
Brian Jones, Tate & Lyle’s Engineering
Manager, put it; “I have known JR Boone
for many years, and they have proved
their ability to support us technically,
both here and in our factories overseas.
We ran supervised trials, with the mixed
products then going through our full
QC test procedure, which they passed
As mentioned above, the factory has
very strict requirements for clean-
down between mixes. The JR Boone
mixer was fitted with two full-width
doors to make it easy to clean every
inch of the mixer interior, so much so
John R Boone have supplied a new, Brisbane Australia. that cleaning only requires around ten
high-specification, easy-clean Helical Along with other manufacturers, JR minutes. To make it easier and safer,
Blade mixer to Tate and Lyle’s food in- Boone were invited to tender for the the doors are counterbalanced and
gredients factory in Mold, North Wales. project, JR Boone proposing one of their fitted with quick-release catches. JR
The new 250Kg capacity mixer has well-proven horizontal helical blade Boone also met the Tate & Lyle safety
been constructed to meet the factory’s mixers (HHBM). HHBM mixers are avai- system requirements with the addition
stringent hygiene and safety stan- lable from as little as a 50L capacity all of a captive key system, a system that
dards in stainless steel, with ‘u-trough’ the way up to 10,000L. For this appli- interlocks the lids of the mixer with the
adaptations for rapid discharge, lager cation, a relatively small 500L unit was mixer drive, so the mixer can’t start with
batch sizes and full-width top doors for recommended. the lid open.
easy cleaning that include special safety The HHBM mixer has four mixing The HHBM is designed to dischar-
interlocks. elements forming an interrupted spiral, ge quickly with the two outer spirals
Tate and Lyle manufacture high-purity with very precisely calculated geome- sweeping the entire shell with every
food additives and ingredients in hun- try and a short length compared to its revolution, so there is only a very
dreds of different types, including some width; that gives the mixer substantial minimal amount of material remaining
made to the highest Kosher and Halal advantages over conventional ribbon or in the mixer after the batch. An added
standards. Therefore when they were spiral mixers. The slow-moving mixer advantage is the ‘U’ shaped mixer trou-
looking at replacing an old mixer their arms gently lift and fold the blend end- gh provides additional mixing capacity
key objectives included improving the to-end, in an action that is so efficient than standard omega shell, giving a
ease of cleaning and speed of changeo- that ‘trace’ components can be added 600L batch size to accommodate lower
ver. directly to the mix with no need to pre- density ingredients.
John R Boone have a great international mix. www.jrboone.com
track record with Tate and Lyle, with JR Boone made a strong commercial Delta Blade high shear mixers already case, which was followed up with trials in place in Mold, Lubeck in Germany and performed at JR Boone’s pilot scale
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