Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 14 2017 | Page 7

SAFETY FIRST Quality and safety are everything in the logistics sector, and for over 50 years and with more than 450 million load carriers, EPAL has been ensuring smooth fl ows in logistics processes all over the world Every day millions of goods are transported smoothly and safely worldwide on EPAL pal- lets. The portfolio of EPAL pallets produced un- der licence off ers a wide range of applications in the supply chain, and independent quality inspection ensures the required safety for em- ployees and goods. • EPAL Euro pallet, 800 x 1,200 mm, the num- ber one in continental Europe • EPAL half pallet 800 x 600 mm, now in pro- ven EPAL quality and also useable as a dis- play unit EPAL PALLETS CONTINUE THEIR ROAD TO SUCCESS The constantly increasing production over the last four years, since the “EPAL in oval” mark has been branded on all four blocks, is the unique success story of the EPAL pallet, which represents quality, safety and sus- tainability. In 2015 for the fi rst time, the 100 million mark was achieved for EPAL pallets produced and repaired worldwide and in the following year even exceeded with 105.5 million EPAL pallets in total. The production of EPAL pallets increased by 10% in the fi rst two quarters of 2017 com- pared to the previous year. In the fi rst six months of this year, 42.5 million EPAL pallets were produced worldwide. There was also an increase in the number of repairs: +11.5%, with 13.7 million repaired EPAL pallets in the fi rst six months of 2017. • EPAL 2, 1,200 x 1,000 mm, versatile and the standard in the UK • EPAL 3, 1,000 x 1,200 mm, standard in the UK and the new Asian format The EPAL 3 pallet is the new Asian standard in the EPAL product range. Already used in Chi- na for domestic goods movement, they are valued for their high quality and sustainability. The use of EPAL wooden pallets is not only environmentally friendly but makes good eco- nomic sense; the wood raw material is cost-ef- fective and renewable. The open exchange system also guarantees a high availability of EPAL pallets, which an effi cient logistics sector needs – with no service charges for rental or handling. Producing, using, repairing and recycling EPAL pallets are all key parts of the circular economy, which preserves budgets and resources. For more information, please visit: The portfolio of EPAL load carriers off ers a wide range of applications in the supply chain, and independent quality inspection ensures the required safety for employees and goods.