Food+Hygiene = Money
But contamination, failing a hygiene audit,
or product recalls can mean big fines
and lost business
Euro Pumps design and produce
water efficient cleaning systems
for the food processing, critical
quality and export Industries.
Every Euro Pumps system is
customised to suit the specific
customer requirements food
processing needs & planned for into
the future. A Euro Pumps system
allows you to leverage your
investment across your whole plant.
Making money with the ever The obvious business and sales increasing demands and standards of advantages in acquiring export the food production business in the certifications and reaching the 21st century is hard work. But failing broadest possible sales markets are a hygiene audit can mean big fines 100% dependent on acquiring and and lost business. Let your new Euro retaining export certifications. Euro and rinse nozzles, foamers, roof
Pumps small food processor cleaning Pumps systems have helped out cleaners, and by selecting the right
system be the cornerstones of your multi-national clients achieve some of pump pack you can even run multiple
success. the toughest export certifications in processes at the same time. Euro
the world (USA, EU and Japanese Pumps systems are amazingly cost
beef, processed food, fish, bread, effective & the water savings often
fruit and vegetables) reaching more provide a full return on your
than 80 countries. investment in weeks rather than
A proven Euro Pumps small food
processor cleaning system can make
huge water savings, generate
additional production capability, and
Even smaller Euro Pumps systems are
capable of running tub, crate or board
washers, conveyor CIP systems, high
and low-prssure guns
lift your food hygiene standards to A Euro Pumps cleaning system has export levels and also be an multi-use achieved documented water savings Euro Pumps would be delighted to
asset to your company. Euro Pumps of up to 92% and labour savings of 80% prove to you at just how efficient and
systems and training will let you lift while lifting hygiene standards at money saving, adding a system to
your standards to meet new major multi-national food processors. your business can be. If you'd like to
international expectations of This has been achieved on animal know more about Euro Pumps water
unannounced audits and random spot processing production lines, contra Efficient cleaning systems for the
inspections to food processing plants. shears, spiral freezers and more. Food Processing, Critical quality or
export Industries, Call Joanne Field
FDPP - -
on +61 (0) 409 123 850 or visit us
online at