Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 14 2017 | Page 62

GlideLoc GuideRail - Keeping Workers At Height Connected. WRITTEN BY SAEFTY AT HEIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY BY SAEFTY AT HEIGHT Today’s world is focused on Health GuideRail product range has been met and knowledgeable experts we pride and Safety so It’s concerning to see with high praise by end users, deci- ourselves on doing what’s best for that year on year figures from the HSE sion makers and installers across the our clients and partners. We’ve wor- show falls from height are still the bi- world and is now specified as the sys- ked closely with local family busines- ggest cause of fatal injuries within the tem of choice by major engineering, ses, SMEs and Blue-Chip companies workplace. For the year 2015/2016 transport, utilities providers and food across all sectors to not only provide there were 37 fatal injuries attributa- processors. As the name suggests, the best solution in terms of product ble to working at height, that’s three our product is a Rigid Rail alternative. but to offer ongoing training and accidents every month! An easy to fit off the shelf solution maintenance for a working relations- with the ability to be tailored for any hip that lasts. “I don’t need a Fall Arrest System on my ladders because they’ve got environment (available in galvanised steel, stainless steel and aluminium). If your workforce is working at height re’s a misguided belief that ladders Here at Safety At Height our mission you’re not sure as to how you can with hoops offer a worker protection, is to help bring fatal injuries caused by better protect them you should get in psychological yes, in practice no. In working at height down to zero, that’s touch with our Team. 2004 The HSE undertook tests to every employee home every day, no determine what, if any, protection excuses. As a team of experienced safety hoops/cages installed” –The- hoops do offer. The results were as expected. Ladders with hoops/cages will ultimately cause the worker more injuries and make a rescue of any kind very difficult. Many people responsi- ble for Health and Safety are still of the mindset that this offers a form of height safety although this is not the case and a suitable Fall Protection System should always be considered when risk assessing any tasks where work at height is undertaken. Think of Fall Arrest Systems and you’ll probably picture a cable system running from top to bottom although this is not always the best solution when looking at existing short height or caged ladders. Leading the market for many years our Vertical GlideLoc 62 FDPP - or you have fixed access ladders and