Prior Scientific
WRITTEN BY Prior Scientific
Prior Scientific
By partnering with Prior, you can be confi-
dent your solution will meet your needs
Increasingly health conscious con- time-efficient; whilst rapidly proces- quality. Our unique pricing structure
sumers demand to know what they sing large sample sizes. In turn, this minimizes the upfront costs of design
consume. Furthermore, governments demands precise, dependable and and other agencies expect that food frequently fully automated analytical and prototyping, and our experienced
and beverage producers can prove solutions. Such a solution must meet what they claim and that they meet all the exact requirements of the speci- safety and quality standards. fic application, and this often means software professionals work with
that a customized solution must be you throughout the product lifecycle,
created. Choosing the right partner is allowing us to offer a true end-to-end
essential, and in addition to having the manufacturing solution. Specialising
technical expertise and manufacturing in manufacturing whole systems, our
At Prior scientific we understand the
vast range of cutting edge analytical
techniques that are utilized to ensure
team of in-house design, mechanical,
electro-mechanical electronics and
manufacturers meet these expec- facilities, the potential partner should tations, ranging from gas and liquid offer a cost effective and reliable ser- chromatography, Raman, IR, and other vice. Customers prefer a partner that forms of spectroscopy to fluorescence offers integrated design and manufac- tics, making us ideal for high throu-
microscopy, flow cytometry, and even turing services, ensuring a faster route ghput inspection, testing and analysis
genomic techniques. Throughout the to market, maximizing their ROI. systems.
Prior Scientific offers such a part- By partnering with Prior, you can be
nership for those looking to create a confident your solution will meet
product cycle, from development to
quality control, rigorous testing and
analysis ensures what reaches con-
sumers is high quality, safe and meets
customized solution. With a history of
expertise covers automation, micro
and nano positioning, optics and robo-
your needs. For more information,
regulatory standards. manufacturing precision components Effective analysis in the food and ourselves in offering a true partner- email [email protected], or te-
beverage industry must therefore ship that delivers your solution on lephone +44 (0) 1223 881 711.
be reliable and accurate, as well as time, within budget, and to the highest
58 FDPP -
dating back almost a century, we pride
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