Maximum reliability –
minimal costs
The new ILM-4 conductivity
sensor from Anderson-Negele
is an excellent example of how
well-coordinated CIP cleaning
automation can maximize
product reliability while mini-
mizing resources
Concentration control: consistent se by means of phase separation. of its compact housing design. With
and economical Cleaning solutions flowing back out a temperature response time that is
Effective CIP cleaning relies on correct of the plant are identified based on 4 times faster, the ILM-4 sets new
metering of the cleaning agent. The their specific conductivity and are standards and is ideally suited for
right concentration is produced in the fed back into the appropriate stack phase separation in CIP plants. The
balance tank by mixing. While low tanks (base, acid, water) via downs- sensor can be used continuously at
concentrations can lead to inadequate tream valves. A decisive factor in process temperatures of -10 °C to
cleaning results, concentrations that achieving low loss levels (apart from 130 °C (and at peaks of up to 150 °C
are above the required level drive up high reproducibility) is a temperature for one hour).
costs. The inductivity sensors of the compensation that responds rapidly ILM series, with their excellent repro- to the different medium temperatu- All parameter adjustments can be
ducibility, are perfect for controlling res in the process. With its optimized made on the device display or on a
cleaning agent concentrations and in temperature response time, the ILM- PC and can be conveniently transfe-
this way help reduce the quantities of 4 conductivity sensor is excellent at rred to additional devices using the
chemicals used. differentiating between wash and software. The measurement ranges
rinse cycles and is thus capable of can be freely adjusted, and the cali-
Cleaning phases: reliable and effi- generating cost savings by reducing bration function permits calibration
cient safety margins. by the plant operator on-site.
tion of cleaning agent combined with Modern conductivity sensors: The modular device platform from
the factors of time and temperature powerful, flexible and modular Anderson-Negele gives the plant
are decisive in running a safe process. With the ILM-4, Anderson-Negele operator maximum flexibility in the
On account of their ability to provide is introducing an advancement of configuration of the sensor. The
reliable and precise measurements, its tried-and-tested ILM series that standardized components can be re-
conductivity sensors of the ILM series is even more powerful and provides placed directly on-site, which saves
are already established in the field and still greater comfort and flexibility. maintenance costs and time.
an integral part of many CIP plants. The sensor is compatible with the In a resource saving process, the predecessor models and easy to chemicals are recovered for reu- integrate in the process on account
During cleaning, the exact concentra-
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