Cool & Heat
Keeping you cool in summer and warm in winter… PHOTOGRAPHY BY COOL & HEAT
Our Cool & Heat Team is comprised number of projects across a diverse problem solving in such environments
of expert engineers with years of array of applications and have all the and are able to find practical solu-
experience, a dedicated service team relevant qualifications to enable them tions. Extra precautions are necessary
and sales consultants who are able to to work safely and efficiently with the when working at height and the team
offer knowledgeable advice to custo- equipment we provide and across a followed health and safety guidelines
mers to find climate control solutions range of environments. to ensure the installation was carried
for any application.
out safely.
Our team have recently been working
We work with only the best suppliers on a project spread across 20 days The Cool & Heat team are continuous-
to ensure that the products we provi- working at a site which was under- ly receiving positive feedback from
de are of the highest standard and are going significant repairs to the roof. customers who are impressed by their
at the forefront of climate control te- Our engineers were responsible for knowledge, professionalism and capa-
chnology. Such suppliers include Dai- relocating several condensers, a bes- bility in finding the best solution.
kin, Mitsubishi and Toshiba to name poke installation which was a desig- a few. Whether it’s air conditioning, ned specifically for the application by refrigeration or chillers, our customers our team of expert engineers. Due to can expect the highest standards of being atop a high rise, the installation both products and service environment had many obstacles. The Our team of engineers work on a huge Cool & Heat team are specialists in
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