Breezair evaporative coolers: the best
solution to cool food production areas
Spanish company producing packed and running costs would be extremely the air, just a water pump to supply
food for appetizers is no longer prohibitive. water to the wetted media where
counting the costs of keeping cool,
after installing an evaporative
cooling system that allows to keep
productivity on track in the face of
Mr Sam Peli, General Manager
Sales Europe, Africa and Middle
East of Seeley International, the
evaporation occurs and electrical
power for the fan that then pushes
the air inside the building.
manufacturers of Breezair, explains: Breezair is the best example of
“Most industries with high heat loads, evaporative cooling in the market.
Risi, producer of the famous such as bakeries, packaging facilities Available in different ranges to
Palomitas®, was facing significant or premises where ovens are involved, meet customers’ needs and 100%
issues due to the heat emitted by the have no cooling system installed, and manufactured in Australia, Breezair is
industrial plant itself which, added this impacts on the workers’ morale famous worldwide for the unbeatable
to the summer temperatures, were and productivity, as well as on their quality of the components and the
reaching even 45°C. After an in-depth health.” In fact, almost 70% of UK performance of the product itself.
study, eight Breezair evaporative workers believe poor indoor air coolers have been installed, arranging quality has a negative effect on their one duct per cooler, each with a health, according to a YouGov survey, hexagonal diffuser, allowing optimal commissioned by the Building Services air flow inside the building. Association (BESA). “The use of such a revolutionary system, “In cases where businesses have Bennet Opie, Riverside Bakery,
like Breezair Evaporative Coolers, traditional cooling systems installed, McCormick, Headland Foods, AIMIA
combines energy efficiency and green they rely on recirculating the air in the foods and many more. In Europe name
technology” says Luís Miguel Ramos indoor space, and that stale air can brands benefitting from the system
Mora, responsible for the company, be full of fumes and germs. Crucially, are Pepsico (Breezair units have been
“because they only use water and premises such as warehouses or big installed in six different countries),
electricity to run, with no chemical storage rooms, especially when dealing Heineken, Granarolo, St Michel, Sumol
refrigerants”. with food or drinks, have specific and Compal (Portuguese producer of
temperature requirements.” soft drinks like 7UP).
sweltering temperatures.
Evaporative cooling is fast becoming
the most efficient option when cooling In all these scenarios, Direct
large areas. Air conditioning is not such Evaporative Cooling could be the right
a viable option, because in production solution because it doesn’t use any
plants or storage facilities, the capital sort of chemical refrigerants to cool
Seeley International leads the market in the design and
manufacture of air conditioning systems based on Evaporative
Cooling technology, with award winning brand names
including Breezair, Coolair, Climate Wizard and Coolerado. For
more information [email protected] www.
34 FDPP -
There are many examples of UK
companies in the food industry
that have put their trust in Breezair
Evaporative cooling: they include
Nicholl Food Packaging (New Midland),