“Hands up” if you worry that
1 in 6 touch screens carry
…”but touch screens are used everywhere!!??”…
…”I must come into contact with one at least a dozen times a week!”…
In these days of increasing health
Protection Plus+ is an excellent form of
Every measure should be taken to reduce
awareness, more and more people
infection control in food environments,
risk in public places and in the workplace.
are showing concerns with regard to
hospitals and medical practices. The
multi- use screens, whether it be in a
films can be used on touch screen
supermarket, shop or bank. Most people
EPOS systems in restaurants, bars,
consider touch screens as a vehicle for
supermarkets and stores: places where
spreading germs therefore confronting
food is sold and produced, reducing the
this issue can only be a positive approach
risk of contamination.
S.M.T.L.), Bridgend. Proven to kill a
Increased use of touch-screens as
recognised as being a serious public
Clear Diamond is a UK based manufacturer
reception kiosks, check-ins and control
health hazard, such as E-coli, MRSA and
of high grade Anti- Bacterial polyester
panels where large numbers of people are
protection films for all makes and sizes of
using the screens on a daily basis, requires
screen and touch screen devices.
that the screens are protected from
to satisfy their anxieties.
Specifically developed to provide high
performance all-round screen protection
for touch screen and LCD displays, Clear
Diamond high performance anti-bacterial
protection films have a proprietary hard
coating that kills 99.9% of bacteria and
pathogens. The hard coat incorporates
pure metal Nano - technology which
prevents bio-film colonization of the
The surface treatment will kill pathogens
such as MRSA, E-coli and other virulent
bacteria, greatly reducing the risk of crosscontamination. In recent years the risk
of pandemics has increased greatly with
different strains of Influenza and viruses
such as Sars and the Corona virus.
As a means of exogenous pathogen
control, the films are ideal for prevention
of HAI (Hospital Acquired Infection).
Strains of bacteria are becoming more and
more resistant to anti-biotics’ which is a
serious public health issue.
20 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
damage and the users are protected from
infectious agents.
The Clear Diamond protection films
pass BS EN ISO 22196:2011 tested at
the National Health Service Laboratory
( Surgical Materials Test Laboratory
wide range of harmful bacteria that are