by Tritec Systems, an established
small HMI to large SCADA servers, it
At least 60% of the bio-methane will
UK-based systems integrator. Project
is based on open XML standards and
be used in the creamery for steam
coordinator for Tritec, Laurence Brown
offers built in features such as secure
generation, with the rest being
comments: "Clearfleau opted for
web services and good database
available to others on the grid.
Movicon over a number of competing
solutions due to its excellent value for
For First Milk the result of the new
money yet high level of capability.
The result of the development at
plant is reduced energy costs and
the Aspatria site is the first on-site
lower off-site disposal costs, leading
"Movicon also offered the benefits
anaerobic digestion plant in the
to a reduced carbon footprint. First
of easy to use web clients, which
dairy industry in Europe to feed
Milk has been able to generate
simplified the route to remote
bio-methane into the gas grid that
value from its residues, while
control and visualisation. Additionally
is generated entirely from its own
boosting sustainability and reducing
it provided a product that could
residues. Operated at the site for Lake
operational costs.
be reused on multiple hardware
District Biogas by Clearfleau, at full
platforms, providing a simple path for
capacity the plant treats 1650m3 per
future upgrades."
day of process effluent and cheese
Movicon SCADA is a powerful,
stable, easy to use and easy to
residues, generating around 5MW of
thermal energy.
expand platform with advanced
The plant produces 1000m3 of biogas
features for control and visualisation.
per hour, 80% of which is upgraded
Guaranteeing the reliability needed for
to bio-methane for injection into the
any mission critical application, from
national gas grid.
Having been involved in selling SCADA
software for many years, Products 4
Automation is happy to announce that
we are now the UK and Ireland distributor
for an Italian SCADA system from Progea
called Movicon.
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