Thumbs Up!
See a NTFB team member do something awesome? Give them a thumbs up! Send it to [email protected].
Congrats to Gracie Gonzales from the SNAP team for exceeding her monthly interview goal with 104 total interviews for the month of July! SNAP coordinators have a goal of 5 interviews per day which totals up to roughly 100 per month. Gracie, thank you for understanding the value of our mission and for always being caring and supportive toward our clients. You are an inspiration to the entire team!
- Julia Marquez, Manager of Social Services
Thanks to Accounts Payable for all of their hard work processing payments for our signature events. There are a ton of requests for Empty Bowls and TNFL especially!
- Lisa Farrow and the Marketing Team
Thanks to Jessica Quinonez, Jennifer Green, Karla Dechavez and Lauren Holloway for their help with touring the teams at the annual Team Captain Canstruction Luncheon. It's an example of great collaboration between departments. You ladies rock!
- Lisa Farrow and the Marketing Team
AUGUST 2014 9
The Golden Girls of Volunteer Experience
Awarded the Gold Star for their help with event coordination during Marketing's busy Spring season and staffing transitions.