Folder Teachin Practice I Folder Mónica Amador | Page 18
A classroom management tool allowing teachers to manage and monitor
students and their classwork every moment.
A presentation tool for both teachers and students, Lessons, homework and
projects have never been more engaging and fun. Easily share among
teachers, students and parents. This is a fun tool that permits teachers and
students choose the image that they preferred.
mmmmm The
“banking concept,” as
VOKI was nice! I enjoyed in this section of my Schoology because when I
termed by Freire, is
created voki for my virtual classroom I can found different imagines to use. It
essentially an act that
was nice .
hinders the intellectual
growth of students by
turning them into,
figuratively speaking,
comatose “receptors”
and “collectors” of
information that have
no real connection to
their lives.