Focus SWW Winter 2019 | Page 4

A letter from the Director General Dear reader, Welcome to the Winter issue of Focus SWW. Christmas is very much on everyone’s minds at this time of year, especially amongst the staff here at The Society of Will Writers. For most people hopefully Christmas is as the song goes, the most wonderful time of the year, but it has to be said that for some Christmas can also be a time of great sadness. The death of a loved one, no matter the time of year is always difficult and not without problems, especially if they died without a Will. Over the Winter break we often prepare ourselves and start planning for the New Year. 2019 is to be a big year for the Society and preparations are already well under way, a sentiment I pass onto you the reader. Use the new year to plan ahead so that in the event of something unforeseen happening to you, you cared enough to ensure that all your estate is sorted. Making a Will is essential for a number of reasons and whilst it won’t 2 The Society of Will Writers take away the pain from the loss of a loved one it may save them a lot of unnecessary heartache and burden. Having a Will in place brings peace of mind for you and your family, friends and loved ones. Don’t delay and don’t allow the decision to fall by the wayside like so many other New Year’s Resolutions. All the staff at the Society of Will Writers wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. WA BUS NT TO I N M E A The S R S SW K W E W i opp T I s T ortu plea H T YOU nitie our sed H oth s t R o w E er p ithin offe S r latfo W a F o v c a r us S W riet ms. To fi y W ? n o W a f ad pac d out m verti s w k an e ll as sing d ra ore inf tho acro orm te c mas ss anth .s@w ard, p ation , or leas illw ony to s rite e co @w ee o rs.c n illw t a om ct e ur m rite o ithe rs.c edia om r r or c all 0 152 2 68 78 8 8 Qua rt All a er, hal f dve rtise and ful men l pag e t siz es a advert s nd s pec are av a ifica tion ilable w s ar e de ithin Fo taile c d in us SW W our med . ia pac k. Brian W Mcmillan Director General The Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners The Society of Will Writers 3