The Final Word
Why consider a funeral plan?
You should consider a Funeral Plan to deal with the most personal and sensitive of your family affairs and alleviate
the financial and emotional burdens that naturally accompany a bereavement.
Planning ahead is important. Here are some of the reasons why people choose to purchase funeral plans:
• Funeral
an • A funeral plan ensures that your • You can choose a funeral to suit
opportunity to secure funeral
wishes will be carried out and that
your requirements across a range
director’s services at today’s
the funeral director’s services will
of prices, or you can pay by
prices, to counter the sharply
be paid for at no extra cost to your
instalments if you prefer.
rising costs of a funeral.
• You will receive a welcome letter
• Often people just don’t know what • Savings in a bank or building
and certificate which confirms
their deceased relative wanted -
society is just a sum of money.
the funeral you have chosen.
usually because it’s natural to put
Your executors are not obliged to
It also specifies, if you wish,
off talking about it.
spend it on your funeral and it may
personal details such as religious
not keep up with the rising costs
requirements, gifts to charities in
• At a time of sadness, you will have
of funerals.
lieu of flowers, music, etc.
relieved your family of a significant
financial burden. Those you • Putting your funeral wishes in
leave behind will remember your
your Will is not binding upon your
executors - they do not have to
carry out your wishes.
The national average
cost of a funeral has
more than doubled
since 2004
The reality facing us all is that the cost of a funeral in
the UK has risen by 90% since 2004 and is predicted to
continue to rise significantly in the future.
By choosing to purchase a Guaranteed Funeral Plan,
you can secure the cost of the Funeral Director’s
services, at today’s prices, with no more to pay however
much they may rise in the future.
Source: The SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2017
Your Money is Secure
Funeral Partners Limited provides exceptional security for your money. All of the invested funds are held securely in
a whole of life assurance policy to pay for your funeral service. For maximum security, Funeral Plan funds are held
in guaranteed whole of life assurance policies with a life assurance company that is authorised by the Prudential
Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the PRA and the Financial conduct Authority (FCA). Funeral plans
themselves are not regulated by the PRA or FCA but are regulated by the Funeral Planning Authority.
The Society of Will Writers