Focus SWW Spring 2017 | Page 17

Consumer Confidence The role of the SWW

The Society of Will Writers turns 23 this year ! In April of 1994 five gentleman including the current Director General , Brian McMillan started a trade association for Will Writers . Over the last 23 years the SWW has grown to become the largest and most respected organisation of it ’ s type . This organisation still has the same two basic principle functions that it had all those years ago :
1 . To act as a representative body for Will Writers providing training , support and assistance to those professionals who are active in our field .
2 . To provide a regulatory framework for those who want to demonstrate that they are ‘ safe to do business with ’.
Of course it is a little more complicated than this but ultimately the SWW invites professionals in the estate planning profession to come under its banner and work in accordance with the SWW Code of Practice .
Following the decision by then Lord Chancellor , Chris Grayling not to regulate the profession of Will Writing the SWW listened to Mr Grayling ’ s suggestions for stronger selfregulation and have acted accordingly .
For those people out there that are wondering why the profession of Will Writing is unregulated the best answer we can come up with is that there was little or no appetite to regulate Will Writers and that those estate planners who were active in the market place weren ’ t causing problems sufficient enough to bring about the need for statutory regulation . As a result , the SWW have committed to working even more closely with members , tightened our grip with regard to the expectations we place on members and made joining the SWW a more attractive proposition .
For prospective clients looking for a Will Writer we would encourage you to consider the following :
• Use an SWW member . Check with us that they are a member or check using our find a member function on our website .
• Use a solicitor ( someone regulated by the SRA ).
• If you propose to use a Will Writer check that they have valid insurance , are up to date with relevant legislation and have complaints procedure in place ( SWW members must have all of this ).
For professional Will Writers , you could provide real consumer confidence by joining the SWW , adhering to our Code of Practice and providing us with proof of insurance .
The Society of Will Writers