Focus SWW Autumn 2017 | Page 11

Can I mitigate IHT? There are various ways to mitigate IHT, the most effective being to reduce the size of your estate while you are alive. Consider making gifts in lifetime. Individuals can give away up to £3000 a year without any charge to IHT. If you didn’t use your allowance last year then this can be brought forward and you can gift £6000 free of IHT. There is a ‘small gifts exemption’. You can give as many gifts of up to £250 per person as you want during the tax year as long as you haven’t used another exemption on the same person. Any relatives getting married? You can make gifts to them free of IHT, though how much you can gift depends on your relationship to the happy couple. You can gift £1000 to anyone. £2500 to a grandchild, or £5000 to your own child. You can take advantage of the ‘normal expenditure out of income’ rule and make gifts out of your regular income. This will be IHT free so long as your regular standard of living is not effected. This could be in the form of maintenance for your spouse or children, or even regular gifts for special occasions. advice on transferring assets to trust since trusts are also taxed in their own right. The Residential Nil Rate Band You could consider gifting property or larger sums of money away in lifetime. Provided you survive by 7 years these will be free of IHT. Gifts like these are known as PETs. This April (2017) a new IHT threshold was introduced. The ‘Residential Nil Rate Band’ is available to anyone who owns a property that they have used as a residence at some point so long as they leave the property to their ‘direct descendants’ (children, grandchildren, step-children etc.). It’s currently worth £100,000 but is increasing by £25,000 per year until it reaches £175,000 in 2020/21. So currently you could have an IHT threshold of up to £425,000, or £850,000 for spouses. Consider transferring some assets to a trust. You can’t retain any benefit from the asset in the trust though, or this will still form part of your estate for IHT when you die. We’d recommend specialist This new threshold may not be available if your estate is in excess of £2million (the taper threshold). For each £2 your estate is over the taper threshold the RNRB will be tapered away by £1. The Society of Will Writers 9