FOCUS Student Magazine FOCUS May 2013 | Page 9

Danny Groothuis Age – 23
Someone who inspires me – Since music is an important part of my life , I choose DJ Derric May who is one of the creators of techno which is the music genre I am really dedicated . What is more surprising is that he turned 50 and he stills plays in clubs all over the world . His energy and passion are truly inspiring and drives me to keep on doing what I love the most ; play my music , LOUD . Quote that describes me – “ Carpe Diem ” is the best motto for me at this point of my life because I really want to enjoy every day of this exchange semester . My next destination – Backpack trip in USA – which could become part of my internship in IKEA once I am back to Holland .
What is your opinion about student life in Herning ? How do you experience it ? I divide life here in two parts – study life and Erasmus life . I enjoy both for sure . The fact that the classes I attend are much more practical and motivating to participate in , is what keeps me constantly engaged . Plus , I am surrounded my wonderful exchange students with whom every day is different and memorable .
Are there any differences between education systems in Denmark and Netherlands ? I noticed more than few . The great side of the education system here is that it is much more practical and personal . I like that teachers know my name , they are open for discussion and it ’ s not just A or B , I am learning to be more critical in my thinking . In Holland , for example , you might end up sitting in auditorium with 700 people and have no chance to ask a question that concerns you .
What was the best moment you had here so far ? It was my birthday party on 5th of April . It had everything I could wish for and when the clock turned 12 I realized how many great people I met here . So many hugs , wishes and warmth from people all around Europe made me feel like in 7th heaven .
How is your every day life different here in Denmark ? My life is much more busy cause I am actively involved in the campus life – university is just few steps away , I volunteer as a DJ at local parties , play football in the Birk League , travel and explore Denmark in and out . Shortly said , it wonderful to feel that you are living for a reason .
One thing you are definitely bringing back home from Denmark ? Most important thing is the memories I will always keep in mind , nothing compares to that . Other than that , I will fill my luggage with knowledge I gained , improved English , basics of Danish and a piece of LEGO – something that represents Denmark .
How has the exchange semester benefitted you so far ? It opened my eyes in terms of cultural understanding – I find it really important to communicate successfully and a multicultural environment is the best place for practicing that . Plus , I made a lot of awesome friends and already planning reunion all over Europe !