FOCUS Student Magazine FOCUS May 2013 | Page 29

Admit it . From the day you peered into Steve Job ’ s frameless spectacles , you ’ ve ached to look more like him , as if ‘ I ’ m brainy and brilliant and you ’ re not .’ Well , luckily this stereotype has already mapped the essential strategy to be considered hip , innovative and a tad more intelligent than the rest of the crowd , by only with their look of angst , as if the technological fate of the world lay in their not-so-moisturized hands . The Manufacturing Engineers combine mathematics , science and economics to solve technical problems facing society , while baffling maintaining a deep fascination and love for Star Trek . For them all that matters in the universe can be placed into one of two categories : things that need to be fixed and things that will need to be fixed after they ’ ve had a few minutes to play with them . They like to solve problems . If there are no problems handily available , they will create their own . Other people don ’ t understand this concept ; they believe that if it ’ s not broke , don ’ t fix it . Well , Engineers believe that if it ’ s not broke , it means that it doesn ’ t have enough features yet . For them , the world is a box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys .
Master writers and communicators 3.0 for print , online , social media and multimedia – a person to grab someone ’ s attention for a change nowadays . Multimedia Communicators and Creators use digital communications methods to create any variety of entertainment , graphic design , or artistic productions . You may not see them in a museum if there aren ’ t any video installations and interactive works of art , or devouring hardcover paper volume of obscure French philosophy , unless it ’ s on an e-book . They see beyond what ’ s normal and regular , everything is a 3D virtual reality for them . This new , exciting and continually evolving field is nearly impossible to define or set bounds for it , as it is the land of creative ideas and experiments . And who is best at connecting the creative message and technology , with a strong dose of vigor , discipline and passion , than those who are trained to combine aesthetics , user-centered design and social interactivity to come up with something so spectacular ?
Again , these creative categorizations are not hard and fast representations . Many of us exhibit multiple qualities in lesser or greater amounts , but these creations might be a helpful visualization for every individual to acknowledge how she / he may be perceived from outside . The FOCUS team is very interested in your thoughts with these constructions , and welcomes dialogue about these types of creativity ! You can reach us through email : edvard @ startitherning . dk , or on the official Facebook page of the magazine !