Be what you want !
You set the rollercoaster racing , the more you focus on the good aspect of your life the better it will be and if you turn your focus to the POOR ME you get more of the same .
This something I use for myself when I find myself not in clear skies tries it . 1 . What am I doing / not doing the feel the way I do ? 2 . How do I want to feel and what is the quickest way to get there . 3 . Who am I hurting the most and why am I concentrating on this area 4 . Who is the only person who can change my situation now ? It is me .
We look at life and people as being very complex . But in reality we make us this way .
• Our fears control thoughts
• We don ’ t really want to accept the responsibility of our actions / lack of them
• We expect the results without doing a lot of work
• You choose your thoughts .
Choose the thoughts that point you in the direction you want to travel .