Meet Peter
Every smile tells a story . Some a smiles show the excitement and feelings which are seen by every person who comes in contact with them .
Some smiles are placed out there to hide something . A hurt , lose , a regret or a fear . These are the smiles I want to look at . To be able to offer something which can help you , take control of what you are thinking and how you are thinking is my purpose .
Four years ago I found myself in this place . I went looking for total happiness to have what others were having or I thought they had . I found a great program which you will hear about on this page , which has totally changed my life and my thinking and now every day I always find the time where I am at peace with all my thinking and my actions .
Discovering why you think about the things you do and what is controlling your thoughts is the key to Personal Happiness .
My goal has been to become Successful Financially and I have , but the unknown goal of Personal peace and understanding , is the Journey I under take every day . It is the reward I have most wanted .
“ It is not my job to worry about what others say about me , is my job to control what I say about myself ”
Every bit of adversity uncovers your potential , your focus and your belief- It also discovers how much you want , what you can ’ t have . Enjoy the stories . Peter .