The Emotional Roller Coaster !
Why is my life going nowhere ? Everything I do isn ’ t working , Everything I try isn ’ t working , my passion is low and no one can give me the answer I want . I didn ’ t sign up for this life . Have you ever had this conversation ? So what do us to change this thinking ?
We know life can be an emotional rollercoaster but no one told you it could get this bad . The other interesting thing is once you arrive in the deep dark depths of “ my life suxs ” it doesn ’ t want to leave you . Furthermore , you decide to put it behind and you try a few ideas and then they don ’ t work . Then one day out of the blue you really blow your fuse .
The anger and frustration , the blame , the guilt the despair and the empathy flow out into the open and you are left with nothing else to say and no one seems to care . You are putting your hand up for saving ( you think ), but after months maybe years of trying to achieve something , your friends , wife ’ s and partners turn their eyes down or roll them back and the little cartoon message appear above their head .
“ God he has lost it again- he ’ ll be right in a few hours ”
When what you are looking for is for someone to just tell you how to fix the situation . Guess what people they don ’ t know how . If they could find the answer then and there and help you along they would , even if it is just to shut you up . If they knew how they would gladly help .
Self-mastery is not an easy journey . In my experiences it has made me find some new lows . It has challenged everything I have believed , worked at and has humbled me , to find a faith and a belief that I can and must lift my thinking and actions to strive to be the best I can be . The rollercoaster is always there it just depends how much energy you intend to place on it .