When all is lost or You Think it is !
One of the great and frustrating parts of being an Entrepreneur is that most of the time , your idea and your dream has holes in it . The challenging part of this equation is to not look at the holes as a devastating event !
When I started my journey of Entrepreneurship or as some of my family have called it ( not a real vocation ), I had in my head that you get the idea , you plan and sell it and make money out of it . Now that is a pretty simple way to understand what an Entrepreneur does .
The other fascinating thought was you place ads everywhere you can people see it and they buy it and then you make lots of money . It all sounds easy , does it ! After all simple ideas , easy explained descriptions and a great looking idea or product sell don ’ t they ?
What happens when no one wants to buy your idea ?????
• Do you go on a campaign of convincing people ? If you think it is great , maybe !
• Do you ask right people why they didn ’ t buy your product ? I would say yes !
• Do you shelve the product and hide from society ! So people have !
• Do you accept the criticism and redesign your idea !
• Or do you accept defeat ?
There are probably hundreds of questions like this you can ask yourself . Each one of them has merit to some degree ; each one will give you doubts and have you questioning your ability . The big question for an Entrepreneur is do you believe you