Why Should I give a Damn ??
Why Should I give a Damn ??
Have you ever asked yourself this question ?
Have you been living your life and every step you take seems to have a major problem with it ?
Have you slumped down in the chair ask what is the point ?
Anyone who says they have never felt this low , lost , bewildered , depressed or wasted , may want to have a good look at themselves , because as sure as chooks lay eggs they have felt one of these emotions .
A few weeks ago I was speaking to a client . From the start of the conversation he was flat . His words were harsh , his attitude was terrible and he sounded like someone on the edge .
Now to clear a few things up first , I am not
• are shrink
• support worker
• have a degree in mental health
• am the Guru of how to fix problem ’
• or the next Dorothy Dicks
I have been in those shoes before where everything you seem to do , touch , create or talk to comes back to bite you in the bum .
• I know what is like to lose everything ( 3 times ).