Our future could be your future!
New collegues 2018
Florescu Dan - Design Engineer
Along 2018 we have hired qualified personnel in most of the
manufacturing sectors and in the administrative area for
current projects. From these positions we mention an
acquisitions manager, project managers, quality engineers,
area sales managers, an energetic manager, an economist
and more than 100 specialized workers for the Tooling
Division such hammermans, heat treaters, millers, lathe
operators or CNC operators.
Proinvest Group gives you the
chance to develop your career
within a growing company. If the
company currently has more
than 500 employees, we
anticipate that we will reach
more than 1,000 employees at
the completion of our ongoing
investment projects, in 2020. The
new jobs are addressed to both
higher education graduates, as
engineers, project managers,
economists or acquisitions
specialists, as well as to
graduates of secondary
education and vocational
schools, CNC operators, special
machine operators,
hammermans, heat treaters,
millers, lathe operators and
rectifiers. At the same time, we
hire fitters for metal structures
and sandwich panels, with a
minimum 5 years experience, for
projects in Romania and
abroad. Those who wish to
apply for a position within
Proinvest Group can do so via
e m a i l , s e n d i n g a C .V. a t
offi[email protected], or
by delivering it at the
headquarters of the company in
Pascani, Gradinitei nr.1, from
Monday to Friday, between
Andreea Iacob - Quality Engineer
Florin Brosteanu (left) and
Radu Nastasa (right), locksmiths,
were hired at the end
of internship program.