Focus on Steel 2018 | Page 38

38 39 Interview with Proinvest Group Logistics team leader Tens of thousands of trucks have been delivered to Proinvest Group customers, to date. Responsible for this activity, for more than a decade, is Mr. Gheorghe Anita. Tens of thousands of trucks have been delivered to Proinvest Group customers, to date. Responsible for this activity, for more than a decade, is Mr. Gheorghe Anita. If ten years ago were delivered one or two truckloads a day, the company is currently delivering 15 to 20 trucks a day. Logistics operations, from carriers identification and negotiation of transport prices to tracking shipments and deliveries, are part of the daily work of one of the most experienced employee in the company. Focus on Steel: For how long do you work in the company? Gheorghe Aniţa: I have been working here for over 10 years. Since then I was a witness of the evolution and changes in the company. Focus on Steel: How did activity change over this period? Gheorghe Aniţa: The complexity of the activity has grown enormously. From one or two trucks a day, we‘ve come to deliver 15-20, without taking into account those that supply us with raw material. Focus on Steel: What is the biggest challenge your professional activity involves? Gheorghe Aniţa: We work contretemps. I have had 34 years experience on acquisitions and logistics at the CFR Manufactory, but working in the private business environment is different. If there was a planning over very long periods, here changes occur every day and you have to adapt. We are planning a day or two in advance, but there are always changes to schedules because the scheduled arrival time changes - due to road traffic or other reasons. Some things can not be planned, because the human factor comes into play, and that happens in most cases. Focus on Steel: How does one day work pass off? Gheorghe Aniţa: I get to work one hour before the start of the program and leave when the last scheduled delivery ends. Permanently I have the phone on my ear because we have to make the deliveries on time but also on profit. That's why we need to manage the choice of the transporters we work with. Working with transporters on the freight exchange is more risky - there have been cases in which this emergency option has been used, but the freight trailer has not arrived at the recipient. That's why we prefer to work with shipping companies, so there's a stock insurance and risks are eliminated. I am 62 years old and I hope to retire from here. The staff is nice, there are many employees younger than me. I have not yet figured if I could work after the retirement age. It is a work in which the element of diversity appears, the orders are different, the planning is different, and I think that this post can also be suited for the young people, who today tend to avoid repetitive work and routine. I have been working here for over 10 years. Since then I have lived the evolution and changes in the company. .