A new factory dedicated
to chromed bars and pipes
Within the Chrome Plated Division,
Proinvest Group develops and markets a
wide range of chromed bars and pipes under
the Cromest® brand. For the development
of these products we have initiated an
investment of about 7.3 million euros.
The extractive industry
is one of the domains
in which chrome bars
pentru studenții
have sponsorizați
direct applicability
Proinvest Group
The development of these products, with applications ranging
starting from hydraulic and pneumatic industry, to fitness
equipment or even simple office chairs, will thus benefit from a few
million euro investment. We already started the realization of the
new factory dedicated to chromed bars and pipes.
In 2018, Proinvest Group started a greenfield concept with an
estimated value of 7.4 million euros, having the objective of
producing chromed bars. The implementation of the investment
project implies the creation of 100 new jobs. The location for
implementing the investment project is Pascani city and directly
contributes to the economic and social development of the city. The
necessary documentation for obtaining a state aid worth almost 3.7
million euros was submitted for this project. The chromed bars and
pipes that will be produced in the manufacturing plant have direct
applicability in the hydraulic industry but these products can also be
used in the chemical, oil, marine, aerospace or extractive industries.
Chrome Plated