SCUDAS - A trademark with tradition
in tooling domain
SCUDAS tooling trademark is brought back to life by Proinvest Group.
The SCUDAS Factory has reentered the profile
market for special tools, devices and accessories for
machine tools in April 2015, after its acquisition by
Proinvest Group SRL. Immediately after the
acquisition, the factory with a tradition of almost
40 years in making parts for machine tools has
entered a extensive process of modernization and
retehnologization, a budget of 10 million EUR
being alocated with this purpose until 2020.
Between April 2015 and December 2017, over 2
million EUR were invested in the renovation of
administrative and production areas for new
machinery acquisition s. Over the same period, the
number of employees has increased from 60
people to 100 and we ’ ll have there at least 350
employees by 2020.
In 2017, the SCUDAS tools were presented at
various international exhibitions, including
EMO, in Hanover, Germany, the world's largest
profile exhibition.
"We have been able to develop new products
over the past 3 years, especially CNC tools and
holders. We have strongly entered the market of
cold plastic deformation tools. At the next
edition of EMO we will be ready with new
products", said Iulian Pavaloiu, Business
Development Manager.
The modernization project for SCUDAS has as
deadline the end of 2020, with the focus now
being put on factory retechnologization,
acquisition of new machinery and product
portfolio development.