Focus on Dalian Issue 55 November-December | Page 12

6. FOD BRIEFING 2016 LONGWAY INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION BRAND CONFERENCE 1. 国际教育 创新是王道——2016 朗威国际教育品牌发布会 On September 24th, Longway held a brand conference focusing on “Creative International Education”. Nearly a hundred parents, professors, and media professionals attended the event to discuss ideas regarding international education. Officer of the British Embassy Cultural and Education Department, Wu Xinping; British Edexcel Test’s director of China, Gao Jianjun; founder of the PTE Club, Wu Shunyu; and founder of Siven Education, Wang Xuan were also in attendance. LET’S GET MARRIED ! I DO DATE FESTIVAL 咱们结婚吧! 2016 I Do 大连精品婚恋节——柏威年站 “Let’s get married!” September 9th, the ‘I Do 2016 Date Festival in Dalian’ had its grand opening at the central hall of the Pavilion shopping mall. The festival was from September 9th to September 18th. I Do, KaiQiYouMei Photograhy, Sophia Custom Wedding Dresses , Hand in Hand Wedding Planning, Ledao VR Experience, Harbor House and many selective leading wedding brands can help to create the perfect wedding. 9 月 24 日,朗威以“创新国际教育”为主题的品牌发布会圆满落幕,全新的理念成为朗威在国际教育领域发展 的重要里程碑。近百位家长亲临会场,多位教育专家、学者、资深媒体人士齐聚一堂深入探讨国际教育引发的多重思 考。英国大使馆文化教育处官员武新平、英国爱德思国家考试局大中华区总监高建军、中欧和谐(北京文化发展有限 “咱们结婚吧!”2016 I Do 大连精品婚恋节于 9 月 9 日在大连柏威年商场中央大堂奢 公司董事长兼 CEO,PTE Club 创始人吴顺玉、西文公学创始人王轩亦出席了本次发布会。 华亮相。此次大连精品婚恋节 . 柏威年站自 9 月 9 日至 9 月 18 日,为期 10 天。I Do、凯琪 由美摄影、索菲娅高级婚纱定制、手牵手婚礼策划、乐道 VR 体验、Harbor House 等婚恋行 业精选优质品牌,强势助攻完美婚礼! 2. BORN FOR BEAUTY - FRENCH BEAUTY SALON ‘MOD’S HAIR’ OPENS IN DALIAN 为美而生 不二之选 法国潮流沙龙 mod's hair 入驻大连 O n O c t o b e r 1 5 t h M o d ’s Hair opened its doors in Dalian’s Peace Plaza. The g rand ceremony was held on Peace Plaza’s first floor. Guests included executives from Mod’s Hair, MHG, and Zhengyuan Properties. Executive Qian Ningzhai, representatives from the Consulate of Japan in Shenyang, and representatives of local Japanese companies were also in attendance. 2016 年 10 月 15 日,mod’s hair 大连和平店隆重开业。开 业仪式在凯德和平广场一楼中央圆大厅盛大启幕,出席现场的嘉宾有 mod’s hair 中国区及日本株式会社 MHG 高管团队,正源地产高管 团队,乾宁斋高管,日本驻沈阳领事馆常驻大连领事代表以及大连日 3. 乐坤孕产训练康复中心 ROSEONLY: THE “IT” STORE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE roseonly 全新真爱地标:大连百年城店,为爱驻扎 On September 29th, roseonly launched a new boutique in “the pearl of the north”, Dalian. Dalian is a city of romance, with the sea breezed Binhai Road, the beaches t h a t b r e e d l o ve , a n d t h e N o r t h American styled Fisherman's Wharf. This boutique is the 27th roseonly boutique in Dalian, and is the “it” store for your loved one. 2016 年 9 月 29 日,roseonly 来到“北方明珠”——大连。在大连这座混合着缤纷 情怀的城市里,充斥着很多温馨浪漫的元素:无论是那海风轻抚的滨海路,还是被誉为“爱 情摇篮”的海滩,还是秉承了北美滨海小镇的精髓的渔人码头。现在,roseonly 在大连 开设其第 27 家店,大连又新增一处真爱地标。 本企业家及友人。 4. HANG LUNG PLAZA · GRAND OPENING CEREMONY IN DALIAN 恒隆广场·大连今天举行盛大开幕庆典 Hang Lung Plaza, which belongs to Hang Lung Properties held its grand opening ceremony in Dalian on September 9th. It is the 8th large-scale commercial project by Hang Lung Properties in mainland China. It sets a milestone for Northeast China and represents a more establ i shed b u s i nes s i n ma i nl a nd Chi na . Dalian Hang Lung Plaza located at Xigang District, is in a prime location in the business district of Dalian. Dalian Hang Lung plaza reinforces its collaboration with other Hang Lung Property projects such as Shenyang Huangcheng, Shifu Hang Lung plaza, and Tianjin Hung Lung plaza in order to have a strong er effect and bring new b l ood to the retai l ma r ket. (香港,2016 年 9 月 9 日)恒隆地产旗下位于大连的恒隆广场今天举行盛大开幕 庆典。这是恒隆在内地发展的第八个大型综合商业项目,标志着集团在内地的业务,开 创另一个里程碑,在中国东北地区的业务,更加巩固。 大连的恒隆广场坐落于大连市西岗区,属大连市核心地区及经济发展的黄金地段。 大连的恒隆广场将进一步加强恒隆在中国东北地区的物业组合,与沈阳的皇城恒隆广场 和市府恒隆广场,以及天津的恒隆广场,携手发挥更强大的协同效益,同时为区内的零 售及商业格局注入新的能量。 10  |  focus on dalian  |  november - december 2016 7. THE LEKUN PREGNANCY TRAINING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 5. PREMIERE SCREENING OF THE NEW MOVIE "I AM NOT MADAME BOVARY" AT THE SAN SEBASTIAN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The Lekun Pregnancy Tr a i n i n g a n d Re h a b i l i t a t i o n Center officially opened on September 8th, 2016. “Kun” means female in Chinese while “Le” means joy. Lekun is to create a healthy and confident image for women, and provide a third-space outside of home and work for mothers. As the first professional maternity training and rehabilitation center in Northeast China, Lekun is committed to promoting knowledge regarding maternity, and providing scientific training courses for women at all stages of pregnancy, postpartum and menopause. 主演范冰冰一袭白 色 长 裙, 搭 配 卡 地 亚 Les STEINWAY & SONS SPIRIO PIANO COMES TO DALIAN 悦人亦育人施坦威·SPIRIO 新悦钢琴登陆大连 On October 22nd, the world's t o p p i a n o b r a n d , S T E I N WAY & SONS, held a product release c o n f e r e n c e f o r t h e S P I R I O, a h i g h r e s o l u t i o n p l a y e r p i a n o. Wo r l d f a m o u s p i a n i s t , M a o We i h u i , p e r f o r m e d w i t h t h e SPIRIO Piano in Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou. Last month, M a o We i h u i a g a i n p u t o n a n amazing performance, and explained the SPIRIO piano’s new features to piano students. The president of STEINWAY & SONS Asia Pacific Co. Ltd. China district, Mrs. Wei, also came to the conference to enjoy the performance. 中国,大连 – 2016 年 10 月 22 日,世界顶级钢琴品牌施坦威于大连举办 SPIRIO 新悦 高解析度自动演奏钢琴新品发布会。此前,著名钢琴教育家,施坦威艺术家茅为蕙女士携手 SPIRIO 新悦钢琴,通过全新互动的形式为北京、成都以及广州的音乐爱好者奏响悦人之音。 在这个喜悦的初秋,为女性健康事业孕育而生的乐坤孕产训练康 今天,茅为蕙女士再次倾情演绎传世乐章,并现场指导琴童展示 SPIRIO 新悦钢琴的教学功能。 复中心,经过四个月的筹建,在二零一六年九月八日正式营业了!坤为 施坦威钢琴亚太有限公司中国区总裁位炜女士也亲临现场,与众共同聆听这场悦人亦育人的音 阴,代表女性,乐,快乐,喜乐;乐坤,打造健康美丽自信的女性形象, 乐盛宴。 为妈妈们提供自我的第三空间。做为东北首家专业的孕产训练康复中心, 乐坤致力于传播、普及女性孕产期的健身知识,为女性备孕、孕期、产 后、更年期各个阶段的健康提供科学完善的训练体系及课程。 《我不是潘金莲》在圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节上隆重首映 Fan Bingbing walked the red carpet wearing a white g own, paired with earrings from Cartier Les Oiseaux Libérés series, watch from Cartier Hypnose series, rings from Cartier Panthère de Car tier series and Paris Nouvelle Vague series. 8. 9. 10. DINING WITH PENGUINS, JAPANESE CUISINE AT BELUGA MALL 企鹅相伴的精致日料,鲸现星海 F u t o i To r i Te p p a n y a k i is a cooperative kitchen with the popular Beluga Café. Recently opening at the Beluga Mall, this restaurant is lowkey yet established. T he meaning of Futoi To r i i s c h u b b y a n d cute penguin. Just as there are belugas at Beluga Coffee, the Futoi Tori Te ppanyaki URARA PRECIOUS VITALIZING SERIES RELEASED 悠莱臻弹柔采系列全新上市 Let’s say your appearance before the age of 25 is from your parents. Beyond this age, how you take care of your appearance can really make a difference. urara Precious Vitalizing Series was released nationwide in September, and is most effective when combined with exclusive urara massage methods, leaving you with soft and supple skin and awakening a healthy and youthful look. Oiseaux Libérés 耳 环、 如果说二十五岁之前的相貌是父母给 卡地亚 Hypnose 系列腕表、 的,那么二十五岁之后,后天保养的努力就 Panthère de Cartier 系 列 戒 指 和 卡 地 亚 Paris Nouvelle 开始逐见成效。urara 悠莱臻弹柔采系列产 Vague 系列戒指优雅亮相红毯。 品从九月开始于全国各大专柜有售。配合悠 has penguins. The master chef comes from a Michelin Three-star Restaurant in Tokyo. The use of the finest selected ingredients perfectly replicates the flavors of Japanese cuisine. 作为唯一一部入围本次电影节主竞赛单元的华语电影, 莱独家按摩手法,将肌肤外部调理纳入护肤 太い鳥铁板烧,城中大热咖啡店鲸咖啡的姊妹店,于近日在滨城新近开幕的鲸 mall 文创 冯小刚导演作品《我不是潘金莲》将角逐电影节最高奖项“金 步骤,全方位打造看起来立体饱满、摸起来 商业综合体内低调开业。这是一家大隐隐于市的精致日餐店,餐厅内与鲸咖啡的大白鲸相映成 贝壳奖”,主演范冰冰也入围了最佳女演员奖项提名。 弹润光滑,焕发被滋养和宠爱的年轻娇颜。 趣的是其名字“太い鳥”所代表的含义“憨憨胖胖的企鹅”在身边悠哉自在的游来游去 , 资深 主厨师从京都米其林三星料理 铁人,专业臻选精良食材,还原日料至真本味。 focus on dalian  |  november - december 2016  |  11