Focus Magazine of SWFL Swimsuit Heat Wave | Page 25

Towards the end of our pregnancy she was stretched as far as she could be without popping and I was exhausted listening to her kvetch for the past nine months, but we were a united front. Together we gave birth to the most beautiful little spirit, she was pink and perfect, until… the doctor told us she was very ill and would probably “not make it!” Not make it… Like a fly stuck in a jar I was bouncing around in my brain feeling helpless and scared. My body, well, she was calm and knew exactly what to do. She marched into the ICU and told the nurse to hand that baby over to her then she created another miracle… she began to feed our precious baby with the two most valuable assets we had… our breasts. Eleven years later, our baby girl continues to be our little miracle. Today, I stand before myself in the mirror and see the hips that were once boyis