Focal Point Mar 2011 | Page 3

Breaking Digital Photography Composition Rules
Quarterly Advanced Contest continued .
We will be looking for : 1 . Technical Proficiency – exposure , printing , color , etc . 2 . Composition 3 . Emotion ( did the picture elicit an emotional reaction from the viewer ?)
Feel free to bring in or e -­‐ mail your work prints to focalpoint @ onlinehammonton . com for comments as you finish up your projects .
To help I ’ ve copied and pasted this article from the dummies . com newsletter .

Breaking Digital Photography Composition Rules

By Doug Sahlin
Although you can find all kinds of rules when composing a photograph , rules are made to be broken . When you take digital photos , you need to know these composition rules — but you don ’ t always have to follow them :
Don ’ t center your subject .
You can break this rule when your subject is so powerful and occupies most of the frame that it demands to be on center stage
Don ’ t center your subject .
You can break this rule when your subject is so powerful and occupies most of the frame that it demands to be on center stage .
Don ’ t tilt the camera to fit a tall object in the frame .
When you have a unique piece of architecture whose height you want to exaggerate , tilting the camera is just what the doctor ordered . This figure emphasizes the height of the structure .
Focal Point at the Hammonton Arts Center
219 Bellevue Avenue Hammonton , NJ 08037