Focal Point April 2011 | Page 4

Meet the Artists Reception for the Photography Exhibit Hammonton Art Center Though the Camera ’ s Eye - before Digital Thursday , April 7 , 2011 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Focal Point photographers will be taking portraits in the studio .
If you have an old camera bring it along . A ribbon for the oldest camera .
Please contact Rita Wood about donations for refreshments and volunteering email : ritatwood @ verizon . net home # 856 767 0012
- Lorem Ipsum
Volunteers :
Set up 5 pm ____, Service ____, Clean up ____
Table 1 : Brownies Centerpiece : Brownie Camera Table 2 . Black & White Centerpiece : camera with black & white film Table 3 . Kodachrome Centerpiece : camera with color film Donations for Refreshments : Food : brownies , all flavors with and without nuts , peanut butter , and caramel Food : black and white desserts , e . g . Oreo cookies , marble cake , moon pies Food : fruits : colorful cutup fruits and vegetables and dips Please contact Rita and let her know what you can contribute .
Let ’ s make this a great reception ! We will be doing portraits in the back as well so invite your friends and family .
We don ’ t have names for them yet but the 1 st & 3 rd Mondays from 1pm to 3pm are times for photographers to get together to discuss things photographic ( or non-photographic ). The 3 rd Monday we ’ ll meet in the studio and try out things with lights and reflectors . So if you are free stop on out and maybe bring your camera .