FMMK Inspirations for Better Living - Oct 2021 Volume 6 | Page 10


The Power of Miracle Mindset

Do you believe in miracles ? Most people do , but they may be shy to admit it . I know they happen . I have personally experienced many miracles in my life . My mind has enabled me to create my own miracles with my strong faith and belief in Almighty God .
Augustine of Hippo wrote , “ Is not the universe itself a miracle , yet visible and of God ’ s making ? Nay , all the miracles done in this world are less than the world itself , the heaven and earth and all therein ; yet God made them all , and after a manner , that man cannot conceive or comprehend .”
Believing in miracles isn ’ t limited just to religion , so what is a miracle ? I believe it varies from person to person . Many things we take for granted today would be considered miraculous to prior generations . Things like flying and space travel , heart and other organ transplants , and cell or mobile phones are a few examples of things that would fall into this category .
I have suffered a great deal physically throughout my life . I was forced to believe in something bigger than myself to get through my pain . It took time , repetition ,
and sometimes desperation to overcome my problems when I had tried everything else , and I had nothing else to turn to . In that case , I had to let go of the ego-mind and align myself with my soul and with faith .
The true miracle was aligning with the quiet and peaceful place inside me . From that place , I could hear the whispers that guided me to align with my miraculous self . Because of this , I have become a living miracle . I know that may seem hard to believe , but it ’ s my truth .
The human brain is powerful . What you believe matters – the thoughts you think and the emotions you trigger dictate the outcome you will experience .
There ’ s a fine line between faith and proper mindset , and wishful thinking . Faith requires you to have a core belief and take action to follow through with your big wish . Let me share a very simple example : if you dream of owning your own successful business one day , then you must create that business and work hard to make the success happen . You must take some focused action to align with the miracle you need .