Cloud Infrastructure-As-A-Service Market
Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service : Regional Overview
Regionally , cloud infrastructure-as-a-service market can be segmented into North America , Latin America , Western Europe , Eastern Europe , Asia Pacific excluding Japan , Japan , and Middle East and Africa
North America and Western Europe regions are expected to contribute majorly to the revenue of global Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service . Asia Pacific excluding Japan and Japan are expected to have the maximum growth opportunities in the forecast period from 2017 to 2027 .
Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Market : Competition Landscape
Few prominent players in the cloud infrastructure-as-a-service market include : Amazon Web Services , Bluelock , CA Technologies , Cloud Scaling , Datapipe Inc ., Rackspace , Hewlett Packard , Logicworks , GoGrid , Layeredtech , Verizon , Savvis , OpSource and NaviSite among others
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