LED luminaries lend themselves to mine applications and hold many advantages
over traditional HID lighting
THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND FINANCIAL bene ts of LED lighting t e c h n o l o g y h a v e b e e n w e l l documented and continue to be a top priority when it comes to new construction or retro t lighting projects . However , while o�en overlooked , LED lighting upgrades are also frequently a simple and cost effective solution for improving safety . �is is especially true throughout the industrial and hazardous location world and particularly so for mining companies that operate in some of the most demanding environments . In the mining industry , it is imperative that all equipment holds up in these demanding applications , which o�en includes hazardous locations where ignitable dust is present and Class IIcerti ed equipment is required . Traditional lighting technologies such as high-intensity discharge ( HID ) types including high-pressure sodium , cannot provide the balance of a pure white light source while meeting temperature rating requirements and providing value in total cost of ownership due to frequent bulb f ai lu re s and e xcessive e n e rg y consumption . HID light xtures are also o�en bulky and heavy in weight , causing installation and maintenance challenges that typically require multiple personnel . LED luminaries on the other hand lend themselves perfectly to these dustlled applications and hold many advantages over traditionalHID lighting . In addition to lasting years longer than traditional light sources , LEDs are able to offer superior T- ratings ( measure of the surface temperature of the xture ) due to the fact that they run cooler than traditional technology . �e lower the surface temperature , the higher or safer the rating . For example , a T3- rated xture has a maximum surface temperature of 200 degrees Celsius while a top rated T6-rated device has a maximum surface temperature of 85 degrees Celsius . Where a typical metal halide xture can produce up to 572degrees Fahrenheit ( T2 , the lowest rating possible ), most LED xtures for hazardous locations operate at just 212 degrees Fahrenheit ( T5rating ). LED luminaires also have a mechanical advantage in mining applications with constant shock and vibration . Since LED light sources are small solid state devices with no glass or laments to break , they are inherently resistant to extreme vibrations and allow for low pro le and lightweight xture designs while still maintaining UL844 standards . From a safety perspective , t h i s m e a n s e a s i e r a n d s a f e r installations with the added safety bene t of secondary retention .
COOL LIGHTING �e nature of LED xtures to run cool is also key to explaining LED ' s
Page26 | May - June 2016