Fmdr-Zambia May/June 2016 Jan/Feb edition 2017 | Page 32

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New dust monitoring tool to reduce contaminant

burden on communities

A new tool for monitoring and analysing dust plumes – particularly those containing potentially harmful contaminants – will improve our understanding of , and help reduce , the impacts on affected communities . Research con rming the effectiveness of the Coherent Doppler Lidar system has been published by the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment ( CRC CARE ). �e study , performed in collaboration with Curtin University , trialled the Lidar ( short for Light Detection and Ranging ; also known as ' laser radar ') in Port Hedland , which has a history of high dust levels related to the loading of bulk commodities for export and mining activities . Project leader John Sutton , now with Aeolius Wind Systems , says that the Lidar system allows real-time monitoring of dust emissions and wind elds . “ �is information can be used to identify dust emission sources , track dust plumes , provide insight into the way wind transports dust , and determine community exposure ,” Mr Sutton said . “ In short , the system allows better management of contaminant plumes , which in turn helps to reduce impacts on communities .” �e technology can be used at ports and mine sites for routine monitoring , health risk and occupational safety studies , validation of modelling , and evaluation of dust mitigation strategies . Mr Sutton says that the new system has numerous advantages over both modelling and traditional point monitoring . “ By allowing real-time measurement of contaminant plumes , Lidar gives us an idea of what ' s happening in the real world ,” he said . “ It provides information about the source and shape of contaminant plumes , and the concentrations of contaminant particles – and therefore information on who is being or will be affected .” Mr Sutton s ay s t h at t h e re a l - t i m e information helps environmental managers make better decisions , including identifying the location of a plume source and how best to dampen it , as well as the effectiveness of the dampening . �is gives industry an objective idea of how well its abatement strategies are working . “ �is sort of capability simply isn ' t possible with traditional point monitoring , which may gather data from three or four monitoring points ,” Mr Sutton said . “ �e Lidar system effectively measures thousands of points and , what ' s more , it
2 works over a large area of up to 300 km .” According to CRC CARE Managing Director Professor Ravi Naidu , the Lidar system offers a n e x c e l l e n t e x a m p l e o f w h y t h e Commonwealth Government established the CRC Program – to develop better tools for industry . “ �is is a new , improved technology that provides unique capability for identifying industrial dust plumes ,” Professor Naidu said . “ In turn , this shines a light on pathways for reducing impacts on local communities .”
Page32 | Jan - Feb 2016