Fmdr-Zambia May/June 2016 Jan/Feb edition 2017 | Page 30

PRODUCTS & services

Integrated Pump Rental responds to client ’ s emergency efficiently

Integrated Pump Rental efficiently delivers a rental service around the clock to the standards that customers requires , says MD Lee Vine . “ Actually delivering a rental service all day , every day , to the standards that the customer needs , is the core of our business model ,” Vine notes . “ When a customer is in dire need , with a dewatering problem for instance , they need a quick turnaround time with the right product available . �is is what we do ." He says the reality is that customers are in operation 24 / 7 and there are not many rental companies that can assist on this basis . Vine cites a recent case of a surface coal mine customer urgently needing to dewater a large section of the pit . “ �e requirement was for the supply and installation of nine diesel pumps with 2 000 m of lay- at hose , including ttings ,” he says . “ �e call came in at 2 pm on a Saturday ; by the early hours of Sunday morning , the installation had been completed and our customer was more than satis ed .” He highlights the accessibility of equipment as key to the success of Integrated Pump Rental . �e company maintains a comprehensive rental eet covering all needs , with the requisite te chnical supp or t for i nst a l l i ng and commissioning on site as a vital part of the service and support offering . Integrated Pump Rental provides turnkey pumping solutions for small , medium-sized and large projects , ensuring that each project is carefully assessed to ensure the appropriate response . “ While we do have off-the-shelf options available for rent , our approach is to understand the customer ' s needs and then recommend a t-for-purpose solution ,” says Vine . “ It is not a case of one-pump- ts-all when it comes to the type of pumping environment in which we operate .”
Pump eet at a glance Integrated Pump Rental ' s eet includes submersible drainage and dewatering pumps , slurry and sludge pumps , diesel-driven pumps , dredging units , otation devices and accessories . All pump rental solutions available from Integrated Pump Rental are ISO 9001 certi ed . �e locally manufactured SlurrySucker Dredge units , for example , are ideal for dredging and cleaning water capture areas where silt or slimes are encountered , while the SlurryBlaster hydrom i n i n g e q u i p m e n t o ff e r s o p t i m u m performance coupled with reliability . A recent addition to the rental range is the Sykes diesel-driven pump , suitable for all applications where electrical power is not available ; these reliable pumps are engineered to offer market leading efficiency and are extremely robust . Vine says that Integrated Pump Rental secured the agency for Sykes for southern Africa and all Sykes products are available for either sale or rental . �is includes diesel and electric driven self-priming units . Pump and hose otation devices and custom engineered automation systems are also available for all pumping applications . Industries across Africa served by Integrated Pump Rental include mining , quarrying , construction , wastewater and energy . “ Our pumping solutions are engineered to deal with the harsh operating conditions on the continent and options include short-term , medium-term and long-term turnkey rentals ,” says Vine .
Page30 | Jan - Feb 2016