HEALTH & safety
Collision Warning Systems in mining
An average of 13 mine workers are killed each year by being run over or pinned by mobile mining equipment . At surface mines , these accidents commonly involve large dump trucks that drive over a smaller vehicle or a person that is in the dump truck ' s blind spot . A collision warning system consists of some type of sensor that detects the presence of an object , an interface that provides an audible and / or visual alarm to the equipment operator , and wiring between the two . Potential sensor technologies include ultrasonic echo detection , infrared re ection , radar ( radio detection and ranging ), video cameras , and radio-frequency identi cation ( RFID ) systems .
Radar Systems Radar technology is one of the most established methods of obstacle detection . Many types of radar are used in collision warning systems , including pulsed or ultrawide-band , Doppler , and frequencymodulated continuous wave ( FMCW ). Some of the newer systems for highway applications operate at even higher frequencies . A radar system operates by emitting electromagnetic energy and detecting this energy when it is re ected from an object or target . Information about the target , such as range and direction of movement , can be acquired by analysing this re ected energy . �e technology is well suited to collision avoidance applications because it is not affected by rain , snow , dust , or even a moderate buildup of mud on the antennas . Many collision warning systems are based on radar technology . �e systems consist of a radar antenna ( s ), processing electronics , and an operator interface or alarm display . �e radar unit is mounted on the vehicle and directed toward the area to be monitored . If an object of sufficient cross sectional area is within the beam pattern of the radar antenna , the signal is re ected to the unit and is processed . If certain criteria are met , an alarm
Page24 | Jan - Feb 2016