Fmdr-Zambia May/June 2016 Jan/Feb edition 2017 | Page 21

health & SAFETY problem of fatigue , particularly with nighttime work , cannot be eliminated entirely . Caterpillar ' s fatigue solution , however , helps minimise its effects throughout jobsites . Bringing together the best anti-fatigue technologies on the market with Caterpillar ' s deep expertise in safety improvement and change management , the Fatigue Risk Management SystemTM gives customers a comprehensive way to measure risk , mitigate it and manage the hazard .
�e Fatigue Risk Management System : �ree best-in-class technologies – brought together in a unique suite by Caterpillar – form the front end of the Fatigue Risk Management System ( FRMS ). �e Cat ® Smartband is a wrist-worn device that tracks mental fatigue in real time and provides visibility to sleep quantity and quality , on and off the jobsite . �e Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool ( FAST ), helps organisations model different shi� schedules to determine fatigue vulnerabilities and avoid them . �e Cat Driver Safety System ( DSS ) monitors second-by-second fatigue and distraction data using a non-intrusive in-cab camera with patented eye and head tracking algorithms . Able to detect operator fatigue and distraction in real-time , the DSS can immediately alert an operator to signs of fatigue before an incident occurs . �e data is also viewed by Caterpillar safety advisors in the 24 / 7 eet monitoring centre , who classify potential fatigue events and will follow site speci c incident response protocols , alerting job site management if necessary . “ To ensure a valid analysis and support the integrity of the process , each event is doubleclassi ed , meaning it is reviewed by two safety advisors before a call is made to the site ,” says Danielle Mackie , safety monitoring supervisor . �e point is not to implicate operators , but to increase everyone ' s visibility of a naturally occurring risk . “ It ' s not a punitive tool ,” says Todd Dawson , A Caterpillar Safety Services
Fatigue Practice Manager . “ It ' s a resource that gives customers and their employees the facts and data to make improvements to their processes .” Caterpillar fatigue consultants and safety advisors work together to correlate data from the DSS , Smartband and FAST with machine telematics data , to produce a detailed management report that clearly outlines the scope of risk in operations . Armed with the details and facts the technologies provide , Caterpillar consultants like Dawson work with customers to implement organisational changes needed to improve operators ' tness for duty every time they climb into a cab . We nd that the best results come from combining technology with people solutions . So , along with on-site manager workshops that increase customers ' awareness of fatigue and distraction and help them build their overall safety culture , Caterpillar uses digital analytics to pinpoint and quantify trouble areas . �en , empowered with the data , we help our customers see , mitigate and manage risk .
FMDZ | Jan - Feb 2017 | Page21