Fmdr-Zambia May/June 2016 Fmdrc-Zambia Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 4

F MD R C - Z A MB I A 2 0
Mine Headgear
Bertha M .

1Central Africa ’ s Premier Business

To Business Mining magazine Jan-Feb 2017 > Issue 21 > Vol . 8 #
ALSO ...
Mine shafts become killing �elds in syndicate turf wars -6
editor @ fmdrc-zambia . com
Contributing Writers
Anne Thomas , Mfuneko Jack ,
Lindani Mkhize and Caroline Thomas
Sales & Marketing
Russou Billiard sales @ fmdrc-zambia . com + 27 11 044 8986


Randgold ’ s secret for Congo mining : Fly people in , gold bars out
Power Crisis and the Solar Energy Nexus in Zambia -14
www . fmdrc-zambia . com


�e year is inching forward and I am not sure how many of us are still keeping their thumbs on their new year ' s resolution so far . How many boxes can you think of with great satisfaction and pat yourself on the back and say , ' yes I have done it '? st
Welcome to our rst 2017 edition of 1 Mining DRC- Zambia , hoping to still give you the freshest and informative news in the mining sector . We seek to provide in-depth coverage of the most important mining and exploration projects in Africa as well as information on technologies and developments in mining and processing equipment . We look at the current power crisis in Zambia which presents a chance for solar energy . �e power crisis in Zambia might be suited for introducing large-scale solar power to Zambia . Mines as the main power consumers might even nd interest to contribute to this development . Our feature on technologies and equipment we talk about �e De Beers International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research ( IIDGR ) next generation diamond veri cation technology . Around ten times faster than its predecessor and with a substantially reduced referral rate , the AMS2 that has been recently unveiled by �e De Beers International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research ( IIDGR ) has the ability to process smaller sizes and all shapes of polished diamonds will revolutionise the diamond industry . On exploration projects , Australian company Cape Lambert has ventured into a joint venture with Democratic Republic of Congo ' s ( DRC ) Paragon Mining to exploit the country ' s cobalt and copper . �e JV is to develop the Kipushi cobalt-copper tailings project , the Kasombo copper-cobalt project and operate the Kipushi processing plant . We also feature issues to do with workers health like fatigue , collision warning systems , and light in mines . For more stories and insights , visit our website www . fmdrc-zambia . com
Bertha M . Editor
Graphic Design and Layout
Que Gibson
Published By
Mailing Times Media sales @ fmdrc-zambia . com www . fmdrc-zambia . com
Circulation / Sales info @ fmdrc-zambia . com + 27 11 044 8985
Mailing Times Media ( Pty ) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications , but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published . Further , opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media ( Pty ) Ltd
Page04 | Jan - Feb 2016