Write in 200-400 words about why you want this trip so badly and include a picture of you and the two other people you would take with you if you won . Submit it to the address below by July 30 , 2013 !
The winner will be announces in the Ausgust issue !
Please submit your entry to 42 Wallaby Way Sydney 2000 �
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Have you ever dreamed of going to London ? Or Paris ? Or Hawaii ? ��
Well now here ’ s your chance to win a trip for you and two of your friends to a destination of your choice . Enter the competition below to win a trip for a 2 week stay at a holiday destination anywhere in the world ! Plus $ 500 spending money !
Write in 200-400 words about why you want this trip so badly and include a picture of you and the two other people you would take with you if you won . Submit it to the address below by July 30 , 2013 !
The winner will be announces in the Ausgust issue !
Please submit your entry to 42 Wallaby Way Sydney 2000 �