Shrimp at Kødbyens Fiskebar
Credit : Vojtech Tesarek
Credit : Daniel Rasmussen
Copenhagen ’ s Vesterbro neighborhood is a hub of culture and cool . Packed with chic shops , buzzy music venues , and a booming arts scene , the diverse enclave is also home to some of the best places to eat in the city . Spend a day walking through the area , just west of the city center , to savor its laid-back vibes and vibrant food scene .
Power up at Prolog Coffee Bar , a sliver of a spot in the heart of Kødbyen ( Vesterbro ’ s old Meatpacking District ) with a minimalist , modern aesthetic that puts out primo pour-overs and electrifying espresso drinks . To ensure consistency and quality , the shop , which has another location in Østerbro , roasts its own beans , which are lighter and full of citrusy , nutty , and berry tones . Prolog is deeply committed to a quality experience in the cup and throughout the company , which is B Corp certified . It meets high standards of verified performance , accountability , and transparency on everything from employee benefits to supply chain practices .
Properly caffeinated , it ’ s time to amble 15 minutes westward to Bageriet Brød for breakfast . The bakery ’ s neatly arranged window cases brim with fresh-from-the-oven goods , offering a tempting preview . Keep an eye out for plump “ semla ” croissants split open and packed with almond paste and a cloud of whipped cream , dark bronze canelés , hypnotizingly swirly cinnamon rolls , and artfully knotted cardamon buns . For a savory start , try the panini featuring toasted sourdough pressing together pastrami , salt-kissed North Sea Cheese , and pickles . Before leaving , browse the bakery ’ s thoughtfully curated selection of small-label beers , left-of-the-dial wines , and tinned fish .
When you ’ re ready for lunch , make your way back eastward for a casual hang at Kødbyens Fiskebar , an always-bustling spot residing in a former butchery shop that now , specializes in wild-caught fish , prime shellfish , and seasonal vegetables . Think fire-roasted leeks topped with trout roe , seaweed , crispy potatoes , and roasted tuna heart ; butter-poached lobster tail hiding a covey of green beans ; and trout tartare gussied up with tarragon and mustard cress . No matter what you order , everything is designed to pair with the easydrinking wine list . Prepare to nosh and sip for hours as you settle in at the bar , on a couch , at a table , or , weather permitting , on a beach chair out on the patio to people-watch or catch the sunset .
At dinnertime , get a sense of the local culture by whiling away a few hours in the core of Vesterbro at Absalon , an enhanced dining experience that must be lived to be believed . What was once a church is now a communal supper club complemented by gaming , live music , dance parties , classes , movie screenings , performances , crafting , lectures , and more . Tickets go on sale in the morning , with group dinners served at 6 p . m . every day . Menus change weekly , but choices always include a vegetarian option . After making friends while breaking bread , stick around to enjoy the evening ’ s activities . Whether playing ping pong , handcrafting ceramics , doing yoga , or raving deep into the night , it ’ s the perfect finale after a day exploring Vesterbro .
Kødbyens Fiskebar
Credit : Markus Christoffersen , Otto Godthjælpsen and Alexander Holmfjeld
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