Washington’s newest museum makes a can’t-miss-it first
impression with 40-foot-tall, 37-ton bronze panels inscribed with
biblical text flanking its entrance.
Inside the $500 million building, scenes inspired by the Bible are
projected on the entry hall’s soaring, 140-foot-long ceiling. The
LED images change every 20 seconds or so.
Upstairs, thunder and rain sound effects evoke Noah and the
Great Flood. A 3-D image of a burning bush beckons a digital
Moses. And a robed and sandaled interpreter invites visitors into
a humble 1st century home in Nazareth.
At six stories and 430,000 square feet, The Museum of the Bible
claims distinction as the world’s largest museum devoted to the
Good Book. Located just a stone’s throw south of the National
Mall’s high-profile Smithsonian emporiums, the private museum
was founded and largely funded by the conservative Christian
family that owns the arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby.