Fluoride eBook | Page 3

ACT / E-book / ADA Vendor Showcase Premium Content


Fluoride has had a significant and positive impact on dental caries incidence in the general population over the last 77 years . The generations with access to fluoridated water since the mid-1940s have demonstrated a decline in decayed , restored , and missing teeth . However , no matter their age , people are still at risk if they do not have fluoridated community water , do not visit the dentist often , or
are not using fluoride-containing products for at-home dental care . Other common caries risk factors include certain medications and medical treatments , difficulty with homecare regimens due to physical or cognitive deficiencies , or having any number of diseases that affect salivary flow and integrity . This demonstrates why it is important to continue educating patients on the benefits of topical fluoride products through every life stage .
Reinforcing the Importance of Fluoride Use for Lifelong Dental Health